(410) 777-8915

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As one of the largest and best wildlife control companies, we have served the city for over 10 years. We provide permanent solutions to wildlife control problems. We specialize in services such as the removal of wildlife from the attic. We are also experts in rodent removal. We work by identifying the entry points and eliminating them permanently. We do not believe in the use of inhumane methods for pest and wildlife control. Thus, we only apply measures such as live cage traps. We also apply effective exclusion and prevention measures. We provide high-quality services and strive for excellence always. We are always available for emergency and regular services. Our company understands that wildlife control needs can arise at any time. Thus, we are available round the clock. We always have a technician in your area that is dispatched for emergency requests too. Some of our specialties are removing dead animals and professional-grade repair services. We repair damages caused by wildlife. We also offer professional cleanup services. Our services are according to the highest industry standards. We train our technicians regularly according to the best practices and with state-of-the-art equipment. Our prices are competitive, even with the high-quality service we offer. We are just a phone call away and will give you an estimate right away.